Section 2 - Students
2.1 General Student Policies
- 2.1.1 Student Records
- 2.1.2 Eligibility for Student Health Service Benefits
- 2.1.3 Medical Entrance Requirements for Students
- 2.1.4 Hepatitis-B Immunizations
- 2.1.5 Student Leave of Absence
- 2.1.9 Baccalaureate Degree Programs
- 2.1.10 Deans' List
- 2.1.11 Satisfactory Progress Required for Continued Financial Aid Eligibility
- 2.1.12 Pass/No Pass -- Credit/No Credit Policy
- 2.1.14 Withdrawal Policy
- 2.1.16 Tuberculosis Screening for International Students
- 2.1.17 Residency Status
- 2.1.18 Sexual Assault/Abuse
- 2.1.19 Verification of Student Identity in Distance Education
- 2.1.20 Equitable Treatment of Students Participating in University-Authorized Activities
- 2.1.21 Undergraduate Academic Standing, Probation, and Reinstatement
- 2.1.23 Transcripts
- 2.1.24 Transcript Holds - Deleted
- 2.1.25 Emergency Short-Term Loans
- 2.1.26 Student Absences Due to Service as a Volunteer Emergency Worker
- 2.1.27 Student Bereavement
- 2.1.28 Medical Amnesty and Good Samaritan Policy
- 2.1.28a Medical Amnesty and Good Samaritan Procedures
- 2.1.29 Student Optional Disclosure of Private Mental Health Information
- 2.1.30 Excused Student Absences Due to Communicable Disease
- 2.1.31 Test Optional Admission Policy