Research and Sponsored Programs (RSP) is the University's official representative for grants and contracts, as stipulated in Policy 7.4.1. The University's internal procedures for completing the pre-award/proposal and contracts process can be found on the RSP website. These guidelines establish responsibilities in proposal development and outline the steps all parties must take prior to proposal submission or acceptance of awards, including incoming or outgoing subaward proposals and agreements. Each college has a Research Coordinator to assist in seeking external funding.
The following steps outline how a grant or contract proposal is processed:
- Principal Investigator (PI) - The Principal Investigator (PI) is the individual responsible for overseeing all aspects of the project. The Principal Investigator (PI) develops the proposed project and identifies a funding opportunity that suits the project's scope. Research Sponsored Programs (RSP) - RSP provides guidance and resources regarding proposal preparation, including but not limited to budget development, project fit, and compliance with University, sponsor, and programmatic/solicitation requirements. RSP provides guidance to PIs regarding the University's internal proposal process and instructs PIs in electronically routing the proposal to appropriate University personnel (listed below) for review. After receiving all approvals RSP coordinates submission of the proposal to the sponsor on behalf of the University. The Associate Vice President for Research and Graduate Studies or authorized designees provide official signatures on behalf of the Board of Trustees as the University's Authorized Official Representative (AOR).
- Department Chairperson or School Director or supervisor (or designee) - The Chairperson's (or Director's or supervisor's) review constitutes an endorsement attesting to: 1) the academic purpose of the proposed research or other sponsored activity, 2) its departmental compatibility, 3) its appropriateness in relation to the budget (including but not limited to cost-sharing commitment, Policy 7.4.6, and release time), and 4) the availability of space and research equipment. In the case of Mennonite and Milner, this review step is also conducted by the Dean of the College (or designee).
- Dean of the College (or designee) - The Dean's review attests to the substance and merit of the proposal and the appropriateness of the budget, the salaries and time commitment of present and proposed personnel, and any other aspect of the proposal that may affect the teaching, research, and use of space and facilities of the College and the University.
Deadlines- PIs should make their supervisor and RSP aware of their intent to submit a grant proposal and identify project partners as far as possible in advance of submission. Agencies/Foundations sometimes give less notice, but it is preferred to provide at least twenty (20) business days in advance of the submission deadline. Proposals must be substantively complete and correct and must be submitted for RSP to begin the University review process at minimum five (5) full business days prior to the sponsor's deadline. In most cases, a substantively complete proposal includes all of the following:
- Internal budget spreadsheet
- Scope of work or project narrative
- Budget in sponsor's format
- Budget justification/narrative
- Any and all additional documents/information required by the sponsor and the University in order to submit the application. This includes subaward documentation from partner organizations.
- A certified electronic proposal record in the University's electronic records system.
A correct proposal meets the sponsor's requirements and the University's requirements. RSP may request or make changes prior to submission. Additionally, the PI may make minor editorial (non-substantive) changes to the scope of work or project narrative up to two full business days before the submission deadline.