In the event that a student experiences a death of an immediate family member or relative as defined below, the student will be excused from class for funeral leave, subsequent bereavement, and/or travel considerations. The Dean of Student's Office will help students navigate being a student during this difficult time in their lives by advocating for them and applying this policy. The student will communicate with the Dean of Student's Office and provide appropriate documentation (obituary, celebration of life, memorial program, etc.) and arrange to complete missed coursework as soon as possible according to the process outlined below.
Upon notification of the absence by the Dean of Student's Office, each instructor shall excuse the student from class according to this policy and provide an opportunity to complete missed exams, quizzes, and other required work. In courses that allow dropping a low grade or grades, instructors may not require that excused work be counted as the low grade to be dropped. Ultimately, the student is responsible for all material covered in class and must work with each individual instructor as soon as they return to complete any required work.
Excused Absences
Immediate Family and Relatives:
Students shall be eligible for up to five (5) consecutive days (not including weekends or holidays) of excused absence in the event of a death of a spouse, domestic partner, parent, legal guardian, child, grandparents, grandchild, sibling, uncle, aunt, niece, nephew, first cousin, in-law, or step-relative.
If a death occurs to a family member or friend not specifically covered by the policy, students may communicate the circumstances to the Dean of Students (DOS) to determine on a case-by-case basis if their absense will be excused by this policy.
Travel Considerations:
If travel is required, students will be granted the following additional days of excused absences to account for travel considerations:
- Within 150 miles of ISU campus 0 days.
- Between 150-300 miles from ISU campus 2 days.
- Over 300 miles from ISU campus 3 days.
- Outside the 48 contiguous United States 5 days.
If a student will be absent because of a death, covered by this policy, the student is responsible for notifying the Dean of Students (DOS) office, as soon as possible, but no later than 30 calendar days after the first day missed. When the death takes place near the end of the semester, notice cannot be made later than the last day of the semester in which leave occurred. The DOS will communicate with the individual's course instructors of record about the excused absence and the reason for the absence. Students utilizing this policy are expected to submit appropriate documentation (examples listed above) to the DOS within the timeframe listed above and DOS will provide the documentation to each of the course instructors. The DOS may ask for additional documentation if necessary.
If an instructor fails to follow the student bereavement policy, the student may appeal the matter in writing to the Department Chair/School Director/Dean of Mennonite College of Nursing. If further appeal is required, a student may appeal to the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost.