Payment to a University employee upon separation of employment includes any compensation due the employee minus applicable deductions and withholding.
The effective date of the separation is the last day worked and is not extended by payment of lump-sum leave benefits.
FInal payment for separating employees is paid based on the employee's organizational default funding source unless an override of that default has been approved by the appropriate Budget Officers.
NOTE: If an employee transfers from one department to another, the last department in which the employee earned compensable benefit time is responsible for the full payout. The rate at which the compensable benefits will be paid will also reflect the last employment position in which the person earned such time, calculated at an hourly rate as defined below.
Upon separation of employment, transfer from a continuous benefit-accruing position to a non-benefit accruing position, or transfer from a continuous benefit-accruing position to a position that receives non-continuous benefits, a University employee will receive a lump-sum payment for eligible earned but unused leave at the employee's hourly rate of pay at the time of separation or transfer. The lump-sum payment minus applicable deductions and withholding will be issued on the first payment date following the payment date of the last pay period of employment or following the effective date of the position.
The hourly rate for a full-time (100%, 1.0 FTE) salaried employees is computed by dividing regular monthly pay rate by 162.5.
If an employee resigns from the University to accept employment with another state agency or institution subject to the State Universities Civil Service System, the employee shall be paid for accrued leave unless an agreement to transfer accrued vacation has been negotiated with the receiving institution.
If the employee separations and returns to employment at the University in any capacity, excluding graduate assistants and hourly student workers, within 30 days of the separation of his or her previous University employment, the employee must, as a condition of his or her new University employment, repay the lump sum amount within 30 days after his or her new University employment commences.
Sick Leave Payout
One-half of all unused, accumulated compensable sick leave earned between January 1, 1984, and December 31, 1997, is paid out at the time of separation. The remainder is utilized for establishing service credit in SURS. If employees prefer, they may elect to have all the post-January 1, 1984, unused sick leave days applied toward service credit in the retirement system.
All unused sick leave accumulated prior to January 1, 1984, on or after January 1, 1998, and/or accumulated while ineligible for compensation under the State Finance Act is not subject to payment but may be used for service credit in accordance with the rules of the State Universities Retirement System.
Vacation Pay Out
Unless the employment contract or notice of appointment to the employee (including information that may be contained in an offer letter) specifies otherwise, unused vacation is eligible for payment.
Compensatory Time Payout
Employees who have a balance of compensatory time will have their time also paid out at the time of separation.
Deceased Employees
Unpaid wages and eligible unused annual leave shall be paid in a lump sum to the employee's estate or designated beneficiary or in the established order of precedence if not beneficiary is designated as prescribed by state regulations.