Illinois State University expects regular and punctual attendance from all employees. Vacation leave must normally be scheduled in advance and is pre-approved based on operating needs of the unit. Accrued sick leave benefits are to be used in accordance with the sick leave policy When possible, the use of sick leave should be scheduled in advance (appointments, elective surgery, etc.).
Time away from work is either arranged for in advance (scheduled) such as vacation, appointments, etc., or not arranged for in advance (unscheduled) such as unexpected personal or family illness or family/home emergencies.
When absences due to illness or unscheduled emergency use of vacation time occur, the employee must notify the supervisor prior to the beginning of the work shift and in accordance with departmental call-in procedures.
Non-Exempt Employee Accountability
Employees are expected to begin work at the beginning of their scheduled shift. Unscheduled, late arrivals (i.e. tardiness) will be counted as unscheduled absences and addressed in the same manner as all other unscheduled absences.
An employee may be required to provide acceptable evidence (i.e. a physician’s statement*) of illness or injury before sick leave benefits are approved. Benefits may not be approved for unauthorized or unexcused absences (i.e. no-call/no-show).
If any of the following standards are exceeded, excessive absenteeism or leave abuse may be indicated:
- Ten (10) occurrences of unscheduled absences, including late arrivals, in the previous twelve working months**
- The equivalent of 15 working days (i.e. 112.5*** hours) of unscheduled absences in the previous twelve working months****
- A proration of either standard outlined in number 1 and 2 above. Proration only applies to instances of tardiness and for those employees already in the discipline process. This means, tardiness may be addressed before the employee reaches 10 occurrences if the employee’s record for tardiness exceeds a proration of 10 occurrences in a 12 month period (i.e. if an employee has 3 occurrences of tardiness in a two month period, he/she would have exceeded a proration of the standard and may be disciplined.)
- There is a pattern that shows repeated unscheduled absences in conjunction with days off or holidays
If extensive use of unscheduled time off or a pattern of absences is noted, the supervisor should counsel the employee regarding the need for improved attendance prior to reaching the standards outlined in the policy. This conversation should be summarized in writing. If attendance is not improved, it may be viewed as a performance problem and subject to the applicable discipline process.
If an employee is absent from work for more than three (3) days without notice, it is assumed the employee has voluntarily abandoned his or her position and job abandonment paperwork will be processed.
*Physician statements shall be provided to HR staff only.
** The twelve month period for tracking occurrences excludes any non-working period greater than 30 days.
*** This limit is 120 hours for employees who work a 40 hour workweek.
****The twelve month period for tracking occurrences excludes any non-working period greater than 30 days.
Exempt Employee Accountability
If unprotected, unscheduled absences of exempt employees interfere with the employee's ability to accomplish the work assigned, this deficiency may be considered a performance issue and addressed in accordance with University practice and policy.
Exempt employees are expected to work the hours necessary to perform the duties assigned to their position. It is not unreasonable for departments to expect exempt employees to maintain a regular work schedule.