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9.4.7 Procedures for Billing

I. Introduction

The procedures outlined here cover issues relating to both standard telecommunications and network service billing and special telecommunications and network service billing.

II. University Service Billing

Charges for line and local service are based on the telephone and network inventory carried by the departments. Service charges are established by Telecommunications and Networking each fiscal year. These service charges are assessed against the inventory and are automatically deducted each month from account numbers provided by the departments.

III. LEC Service Billing

The local portion of the Local Exchange Carrier's bill is automatically charged against the University account number provided by the department when the service is requested.

IV. LEC Directory Advertising

Contracts with Local Exchange Carriers for directory advertising in white pages and yellow pages must be established between the Local Exchange Carrier and the University department interested in the service. Telecommunications and Networking requires a copy of the contractual agreement showing the monthly charges that will be assessed.

VI. Other Service Billings

Telecommunications and Networking requires a copy of any contractual agreement for telecommunications or network equipment, goods, or services that may result in a service bill being sent to Telecommunications and Networking for approval or payment. When the contractual agreement is sent, it should include any recurring monthly charge that may be assessed. Items such as directory advertising in the University telephone directory or advertising in a Local Exchange Carrier's telephone directory in another city or state would be examples of other service billings.

Last Review: May 2007